Advice & Information

Below contains Advice & Information on domestic abuse. If you are in immediate danger do not hesitate to call the Police on 999.

About Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse refers to a range of behaviours by a partner (male or female), family member or carer and can include emotional, physical, psychological, sexual and economic abuse.

Warning Signs

Your relationship may seem healthy, but there are some warning signs you can look for to help you identify possible abuse.

Recognising Abuse

When you’re in an abusive relationship, or being abused by a family member, it is sometimes hard to recognise the abusive behaviour for what it is, especially while you are still caught in the middle of it.

Advice for Women

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, the best thing you can do is try to tell someone you trust, or contact us for advice and support. Identifying that you are being abused is not easy.

Children & Young People

Domestic abuse is when a grown-up in your family bullies another person in your family. It can happen between people who are married, and also between people who are boyfriend and girlfriend. The people don’t have to be living together either.

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer the Frequently Asked Questions about our charity and domestic abuse.

National Helplines

We have built up a collection of useful helplines. However, in an emergency, or if you feel in danger, phone 999 immediately. You can do this from a mobile, even if you don’t have credit.

Support Groups

We also offer a range of Support Groups: the Freedom Programme, Coffee Morning, SODA (Survivors of Domestic Abuse) group, Stronger Families, Helping Hands, Stepping Stones, and other short term groups.